How To Prepare Your Air Conditioner For Summertime
Summers can get hot in Dallas, Georgia. Now is the time to prepare your home for the rising temperatures before the hot weather sets in. Conditioning your home for summertime is a matter of taking a few practical steps that make your property air tight while insuring that all systems are running as they should. Below are a some tips to help you along the way. For more information on how to protect your home from the blazing heat, contact a Dr. Cool technician today.
Get Your Home Inspected
Many homeowners do not have the training or skill required to properly prepare for summertime. With this in mind it’s a good idea to hire a certified professional heating and cooling expert who can inspect your home and perform a thorough point by point assessment of every component in order to determine what needs to be done next. A Northwest Atlanta HVAC Contractor will check your air conditioner as well as other factors affecting your system’s performance and ability to operate efficiently during the hottest months. They’ll provide you with an accurate report that will help you understand what steps need to be taken.
Insulate Your Home
When your air conditioner is not performing as it should and it seems like you can’t ever get your house cool enough, there may be other variables involved. For instance, if your home is not properly insulated, your system will run far more than it should in order to compensate. There is probably more than one type of insulation in your home that ranges from rolls, to blown in, and expanding. They each have a different lifespan. Although some insulation can last for decades, this doesn’t mean it’s in great shape. Target areas include the walls, floors and ceiling, and attic. If your garage is insulated, then it’s important to make sure the insulation is updated in this area as well.
Windows and Doors
As your home gets older, the framework around the doors and windows will shift. This creates small gaps around the immediate area, allowing drafts to seep through effortlessly. Even the smallest leaks can make a huge difference in your AC’s efficiency, thus affecting your energy bill each month. Check the area around yours and windows and try to detect in air movement. If you discover some you may need to realign the framework or replace the old doors and windows. Modern windows are far more efficient and create a better seal around the frame than the older windows.
Air Conditioner Upgrades and Tune-Ups
Once you’ve done everything you can to create an ideal environment for your air conditioner to work, now is the time to check the system itself. There are numerous components that all work together in order your air conditioner to operate as it should. If any of these parts goes bad, it can affect all other items. It’s recommended for you to have your air conditioner inspected before the summer season to make sure all parts are working well. During this time any upgrades can be made. You’ll also want to check items such as your thermostat and air ducts to see if the air is flowing freely into every room.